Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Firefox 10 now available to public download


Notes (First offered to release channel users on January 31, 2012)

Check out what’s new and known issues for this version of Firefox below. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think, or file a bug in Bugzilla.

If interested, please see the complete list of changes in this release.

What’s New
  • NEW
    The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back
  • NEW
    Most add-ons are now compatible with new versions of Firefox by default
  • NEW
    Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented (see bug 615976)
  • NEW
    CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported (see bug 505115)
  • HTML5
    New <bdi> element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties (see bugs 613149 and 662288)
  • HTML5
    Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen (see the feature page)
    We've added IndexedDB APIs to more closely match the specification
    Inspect tool with content highlighting, includes new CSS Style Inspector
    Mac OS X only - after installing the latest Java release from Apple, Firefox may crash when closing a tab with a Java applet installed (700835)
    Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks (681795)
Known Issues
  • Unresolved
    Two-digit browser version numbers may cause a small number of website incompatibilities (see 690287)
  • Unresolved
    If you try to start Firefox using a locked profile, it will crash (see 573369)
  • Unresolved
    For some users, scrolling in the main GMail window will be slower than usual (see 579260)
  • Unresolved
    Some synaptic touch pads are unable to vertical scroll (see 622410)
  • Unresolved
    Firefox notifications may not work properly with Growl 1.3 or later (see 691662)

    Unresolved on v10 Resolved in v11

  • Unresolved
    Under certain conditions, scrolling and text input may be jerky (see 711900)
  • Unresolved
    Silverlight video may not play on some Macintosh hardware (see 715396)

Acting on file management feedback

Interesting feature in File Manager for Windows 8

Steven Sinofsky

As we approach our next public milestone, we will begin to circle back to topics we covered in the blog and talk about the changes we’ve made to the product since the Developer Preview. As we've said often, we read the comments, newsgroup discussions, and reviews that have been written about Windows 8 and track the feedback carefully. We listen to this feedback by taking into account the source of the feedback and factoring in the intended audience for features as well as trying to reconcile conflicting feedback (no matter how many thumbs up votes there might be, we can promise that, for any design worth discussing, there are conflicting and equally valid points of view). Of course, we always consider the engineering feasibility of any changes we make—compatibility, security, performance, and so on.

Ilana Smith, a lead program manager on the Engineering System team, authored this post.


We previously published three blog posts that discussed the new file management experience in Windows 8: one about the new copy experience, one that detailed the design process we went through for the new conflict experience and one about the changes to Windows Explorer, including the introduction of the ribbon.

Those posts prompted great discussion and we read the approximately 2200 comments you left. This was wonderful feedback for us, and, along with information from our other feedback channels, we incorporated it into our design process.

A notepad with handwritten list of comment categories and numbers next to each category

Summarizing blog post comments

As we prepare for the beta, we thought we would update you on some of the key issues, and the changes you should expect to see.

Conflict: identifying duplicate files during conflict resolution

In Windows 8, we have a new experience for selecting the right file when file name collisions are encountered during a copy or move.

L. Brown said:

A compare button to show if files are equal in the "Choose" dialog would be really great!

Frequently, the reason two files have the same name is because they’re copies. Making a choice between two identical files is usually pointless – it’s unnecessary for a copy operation, and often unnecessary for a move operation. We looked at several methods of identifying duplicate files and decided that checking the file name, file size and date modified attributes was the most effective approach. They can be used to identify the vast majority of duplicate files quickly, efficiently, and with good backward compatibility compared to other methods like file hashes.

In the beta, we’ve added a new option to the detailed conflict resolution dialog. By checking the box in the bottom left of the dialog, you can filter out all files that match on name, size (down to the byte) and time (down to the granularity of the file system timestamp: 2 seconds for FAT, 100 nanoseconds for NTFS). The system will skip copying or moving these files. This functionality adds no additional time to the operation, works both locally and across networks, and on all types of systems and storage.

File Conflict dialog with option to "Skip 2 files with the same date and size". In 2nd image, the option is selected, and 2 of the files no longer appear in conflict dialog.

We’ll skip copying files with the same name, date, and size

This check box is deselected by default (to ensure users opt into the changed behavior), but it persists once you select it.

Copy: system changes

JL asked:

You know when you start a big copy job and realize that you are doing it over the wireless so you grab a network cable and plug it in? Does the file copy know to utilize the faster connection now?

If both sides of the copy operation are on Windows 8 machines, yes, it will be able to take advantage of the increased network throughput on the fly, thanks to advancements in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol to support multiple channels.

Tobi asked:

Will it be possible to pause the copy operation and resume it after reboot/sleep/hibernate?

In the beta, when a system sleeps or hibernates, the copy operation will automatically pause, and when the machine wakes, you can choose to resume the copy by clicking the depressed pause button. (We decided not to have copies automatically resume on wake, as the system environment may have changed significantly in the interim and we do not want to cause an error.)

Copy: handling confirmations and interrupts

gawicks asked:

Please please display all the copy 'error dialogs' after the copying has completed so I don't have to sit in front of the machine all the time.

We have two types of user interaction that can occur during a copy job - we break these into two groups, “confirmations” and ”interrupts.” Confirmations like “Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?” need to be completed before the copy operation can start. Interrupts are issues that the system encounters while copying, things like “File not found,” “File in use,” and file name conflicts.

The system presents all confirmations before it starts to move or copy files. While copying, any interrupt issues are queued and presented once the system has completed all the work it can. In the beta, we’ve made improvements in how confirmations are presented, making sure they don’t get lost amongst existing running copies.

Explorer: navigation pane scrolling issue

xpclient said

Please fix the infamous Windows 7 navigation pane scrolling bug.

(See this Microsoft Answers thread for more information.)

We fixed it! As of the beta, it’s gone.

Explorer: respect picture orientation metadata

Raf asked

Will you support *lossless* picture rotation?

In Windows 7 and 8, JPEG rotation is lossless when both image dimensions are divisible by 16 (standard image sizes).

Additionally, Explorer now respects EXIF orientation information for JPEG images. If your camera sets this value accurately, you will rarely need to correct orientation. Look for a future blog post where we will discuss this in more detail.

2 of the 3 photos of flowers are shown sideways

Images in Windows 7 Explorer

Same flower photos as in previous image, but the orientation has been corrected
Images in Windows 8 Explorer

Explorer: Overlay changes to improve performance

In Windows 8, we continue to prioritize great performance. We pay close attention to milliseconds of lag and look for reductions. In Explorer, we found an opportunity for improvement in delays caused by icon overlays.

In Windows 7, we have a padlock icon overlay to indicate a private file. (You might recall that, due to the increase in shared files, it had superseded the ”palm up” overlay for shared files.) We recently found that checking for these overlays was adding about 120 milliseconds to our Explorer library launch tests. This might not seem like much, but we consider this a big delay.

2 folders shown, Bar and Foo. Foo has a padlock overlay on the icon, and in the Sharing status column, it says Private.

Overlays have limitations – they can only show a single state, add a lot of visual noise, and can be confusing. The padlock overlay has been removed; this information is conveyed better by the “Sharing status” column.

This column has these advantages:

  • Performance: The column is hidden by default, so the delay is incurred only when you opt into showing this information.
  • Tri-state: This column has three values: Shared, Not shared, and Private, so you get more detail than you would from the icon overlay.
  • Sorting/filtering: You can sort and filter the sharing status property, providing more powerful file management capabilities.
Explorer: pin to Start

On Marina’s post about the Start screen, Boots112233 said:

Half of the items in my Windows 7 Start Menu are shortcuts to folders and one is to a file […] How can I do this in Windows 8 if the start screen won't allow shortcuts for folders?

In the beta, you can now easily pin your favorite folders to Start, and take advantage of the rich customization functionality that we built into it to arrange the folders into groups and into any order you want.

"Pin to Start" is in dropdown from "Easy access" control in the Home tab of the ribbon

"Pin to Start" from the Windows Explorer ribbon

Additionally, just as in Windows 7, you can pin shortcuts to executables to Start directly from Windows Explorer, which can be very useful for applications that don’t add themselves to the Start screen by default.

Part of the Start screen with the following tiles: Internet Explorer, Store, Windows Explorer, Documents, the desktop, "My Executable," and "eventvwr"

Documents folder, a custom executable, and Event Viewer pinned to Start

Explorer: PowerShell

Jamie Thomson said:

Really liking the "Open Command prompt" option in the File menu however I prefer to use PowerShell so would like an "Open PowerShell prompt" option too.

We agree, and so we added this as well. It is worth noting that there are sometimes conflicting points of view on whether advanced things should be in the GUI or in PowerShell, and how front and center they should be. We are always balancing the complexity of too many options and too many ways to do things. As you can see, there is no right answer, so we'll continue to balance these complex choices.

In the File menu are options to Open Windows PowerShell or Open Windows PowerShell as administrator

Windows PowerShell buttons in Windows Explorer

These menu items launch the PowerShell console. The PowerShell ISE continues to be available from the Edit command on a PowerShell file.

Explorer: ribbon changes

We had expected the introduction of the ribbon to Explorer to spur conversation, and it is fair to say the voluminous response was in line with our expectations. It’s exciting to work on something that brings so many different perspectives.

There were many reactions, and as we expected, there is a set of people who have an entirely negative reaction to the affordance and have been telling us about it in no uncertain terms. Our view is that we do need to move the user interface forward and accept that a vocal set of customers are just not happy with the direction we're going. When looked at broadly, that is balanced out by a majority of people who are happy and more productive with the changes. We remind folks that there are third-party tools available (likely the tools being used by this set of people), that provide a number of different interface paradigms. We do embrace the notion that third-party tools play an important part in the Windows experience.

That said, we’ve internalized your feedback, experimented with and tested various approaches, and used our co-workers as test subjects, in addition to the formal testing as you would expect. You’ll see three major changes in the ribbon in the beta.

Ribbon minimized by default: With the ribbon maximized in the Developer Preview, we’ve been able to learn a lot about how people interact with it, which has enabled us to tweak and fine-tune it. With the beta, we will be making a major change that brings Explorer in line with our design principles for Windows 8. As in our copy dialogs, Task Manager, and Metro style experiences, we will be reducing distractions and trusting users to discover functionality on their own, by minimizing the ribbon by default.

Windows Explorer shown with no ribbon

Windows Explorer ribbon minimized by default

We’ve tested this change for a while now, and the results have been heartening. This is data from internal usage at Microsoft, which we know not to be representative of broad audiences, but is generally representative of the folks like you that engage in the dialog on the blog.

No change: 71%, Minimize if maximized: 6%, Maximize if minimized: 23%

Default users compared with Ribbon maximizers. When 0 commands performed in a session, default users at over 85%, while ribbon maximizers are at 62%. When 1-10 commands performed, Ribbon maxmizers are much more frequent than default users.

This data shows that our very tech-savvy users are generally fine with either setting, but that our heavier Explorer users are our ribbon maximizers. For lighter file browsing scenarios, we can provide a UI with reduced distractions, and still trust that users who want to really exercise Explorer functionality will maximize and leverage the ribbon.

Visible hotkeys: Our telemetry data has shown us that for users who actively choose to minimize the ribbon, their strong preference is to use hotkeys. The ribbon provides new ways to access functionality via the keyboard with keytips (those floating cues that pop up when you hit Alt), but traditional shortcut keys like Ctrl+V remain the most efficient method. We love shortcut keys (internally, their usage gets up over 85% of all Explorer commands issued), so we want to help more people discover them.

For the beta release, we’ve added hotkey information to the tooltips of relevant buttons.

Tooltip on "New folder" button says "New folder (Ctrl+Shift+N) / Create a new folder."

“New folder” tooltip shows the keyboard shortcut

User setting roaming: We want to make sure you only need configure your Explorer options once. If you maximize your ribbon, and add Undo and Map Network Drive in your Quick Access Toolbar, we want your Explorer to look like that every time.

For the beta release, we’ve added Explorer settings to the attributes that are roamed to your other Windows 8 PCs. In the “Sync your settings” UI, this shows up under “Other Windows settings.” (For more information about roaming user settings, take a look at Katie’s post.)

PC Settings screen, "Sync your settings" selected, Settings to sync options include Personalize, Desktop personalization, Ease of Access, Language preferences, App settings, Browser settings, Other Windows settings, Sign-in info, and more scrolled off screen.

Syncing Explorer settings across PCs

We really appreciate all your feedback on our previous posts. We believe it has contributed directly to an improved file management experience for Windows 8.

--Ilana Smith

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Office 15" Begins Technical Preview

Microsoft announce that begin the “Office 15” Technical Preview Program. “Office 15 is the codename for the next generation of the Microsoft Office products and services, and the Technical Preview is the first time we share our work with a select group of customers under non-disclosure agreements. These customers play a key role in our development process by testing early builds and providing feedback, which we incorporate into the final release.

At this early point in our development cycle, I'm not able to share too much about Office 15, but I can tell you Office 15 is the most ambitious undertaking yet for the Office Division. With Office 15, for the first time ever, we will simultaneously update our cloud services, servers, and mobile and PC clients for Office, Office 365, Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project, and Visio. Quite simply, Office 15 will help people work, collaborate, and communicate smarter and faster than ever before.  

While the Technical Preview program is already full, everyone will have the opportunity to try the Office 15 public beta later this summer, and we'll have more to share about the release then. In the meantime, I do want to thank everyone who is participating in the Technical Preview for their contributions and all our customers for their continued support.

PJ Hough
CVP of Development, Microsoft Office Division”

It allows some version will available for any non-official wait. just looking for more news.

Uploading a lot data using single T-SQL query

You need a MS SQL database with a lot of data, and you have those data on separated file as a .csv file, then you could use a bulk insert to make this task using single query like:

bulk insert myDB..myTable from "t:\mydata\mydata.csv" with (FieldTerminator = ',', FirstRow =2)

Then the first part parameter of “bulk insert” should our table that need have a lot of data, the second parameter is the file with our data and the last parameter is the string used to delimitate. Think our data could be:


In this our sample our table will have six columns: ID,Hour,IDemp,Place,Room,Printer.

A sample file with 10.000 records can be found in: myData.csvimage

and sample to create the Database and table below:

/*Create myDB*/




( NAME = N'myDB', FILENAME = N'T:\mySQL2012\DATA\myDB.mdf' , SIZE = 3072KB , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )


( NAME = N'myDB_log', FILENAME = N'T:\mySQL2012\DATA\myDB_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)


/*Create myTable*/

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myTable](

[ID] [nchar](10) NULL,

[Hour] [time](7) NULL,

[IDemp] [nchar](10) NULL,

[Place] [nchar](10) NULL,

[Room] [nchar](10) NULL,

[Printer] [nchar](15) NULL